Monday, October 31, 2016

SQL to Excel Cleanup - remove tabs, new lines, etc

SET @CrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10); -- CarriageReturn + LineFeed

  FROM [problems]
  where status not in ('closed')
 order by prob_type

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week 7 - Evaluation and Assessment


With Jen’s approval, I was able to utilize materials that I created in other Masters courses.  For my EDU 662 class, we did extensive work with rubrics and assessments.  One of the ways in which I used assessment was in the context of a job interview.  As a part of the job interview, the candidate had to take a general skills assessment and write computer code which followed a revised bloom’s taxonomy which can be found here:

I also created a Zaption video based on my previous week’s standards and best practices series.
Lastly, I have a survey I created for my EDU 590 class which allows people who rode in the DALMAC cycling bike tour ( to provide feedback to the organization so that they can improve the experience in coming years.


I think Zaption helps to implement the coherence principle in that they keep the clutter to a minimum. All the text and quizzes are off to the side and always in the same place.  The text font is pleasing to the eye and doesn’t detract from the video.


I really enjoyed using Zaption. I didn’t know anything like that existed.  I am thinking about uploading my own training and professional development videos and added additional resource links to the video.  I think it would balance out some of the complex portions of my training videos.

Your artifacts:

Online video quiz:

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Week 6 - Mind Maps

Use in the classroom

In keeping with my professional development series on programming (see week 2). I have created a mind map which shows how SOLID design principals interacts with other best practices.  In a professional development setting, I would start by having already mapped the Principals, Major Principal Branches, as well as, having the starter branches for Test Driven Development and Metrics.  As a team, we would expand the branches as a group. Once we had a fairly “full” mind map I would give each team member homework, giving them a sub-branch or two for which they would have to find a resource which talks about the specific subject.  For example, under Test Driven Development (TDD), Unit testing I linked to the book The Art of Unit Testing: with examples in C# 2nd Edition (link) by Roy Osherove.  This is a wonderful resource for TDD and unit testing.


I am using Coggle as my mind mapping tool.  Coggle, by its very design, embraces the Coherence Principle in that it looks clean and you are able to “hide” the hyperlinks behind text allowing the user to simply click on a mind map item to get more information.


I like Coggle as a tool.  It helps you to create a visually appealing mind map.  I did run into an issue in that the free version doesn’t allow you to do a couple really important things.  First, it doesn’t allow you to cross-link to pictures, videos or other web resources.  All your assets have to be uploaded to Coggle.  I even tried to trick Coggle into doing this and they have purposefully limited their software to only linking to images which have been uploaded to their servers (which are hosted on Amazon’s cloud service).  Because I understand how Amazon’s services work I know this is a choice by Coggle to intentionally limit their technology and, in general, I hate that philosophy. Secondly, when you do upload pictures, it shrinks them to an unusable size AND you are not allowed to hyperlink the pictures. 
So while I find Coggle to be a really neat tool, unless you are willing to pay for a monthly subscription, it really doesn’t have enough features.  Google Draw, while not as nicely organized, gives you the missing features and is free.
Lastly, their embedded window really doesn’t look good on this blog so I am including both a direct link and the embedded window.

Mind Map in Coggle


Friday, June 3, 2016

Week 5: Augmented Learning

Use in the classroom 

In keeping with my professional development series on programming (see week 2). I have created a series of posters that illustrate the SOLID software design principals. The QR codes represent six videos and two web pages which go into detail on a particular aspect of SOLID. I can see these posters being hung up around the professional development classroom or in a break room during a professional development conference allowing people to get more in-depth information on a particular component of SOLID. Five of the six videos are short clips specifically explain one of the principals.


I think QR codes help to implement the coherence principle in that they keep the clutter to a minimum. As you can see from my posters, with the exception of the first poster, the QR codes are non-intrusive and can almost be ignored entirely.


When I first started working on this assignment I tried to use Aurasma. It seemed like a neat tool that I could really leverage with my posters. Unfortunately, after spending a time uploading all my assets to their web studio, I found out that you cannot link to YouTube videos (or any online videos). The application forces you to upload videos from your computer. The only way to get my use case to work would be to download the videos from YouTube using a third party tool and upload them directly to Aurasma. This would be an explicit violation of the YouTube terms of service and, while technically possible, goes against my understanding of fair use. Therefore, I had to abandon this technology and move over to QR codes. While I am disappointed that I couldn’t use Aurasma for this assignment I like the concept and plan to attempt to do something with it in the future.

Click the picture below to download the posters (.pdf):

 Solid Posters

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 4: Using Video to Convey Information

Evaluating a "found" video 

In keeping with my professional development series on programming (see week 2), the video I have selected is a 1 hour and 15-minute video of a professional development seminar giving by Microsoft in 2014.  Because I am typically providing professional development at the university or at a business the internet is generally unrestricted and I am able to do whatever I need to do.  The topic of my video has to do with software engineering best practices and is something I usually reference as a “further study” item so that those individuals who wish to learn more can engage the material.  Sometimes a group of engineers will watch this video together and then we will take the best practices and apply them to code written by a member of the team as a hands-on training exercise.

This video uses many of Mayer’s design principals.  It follows the redundancy principle in that the speaker is showing his source code on the screen while he talks. You get to see him code out the examples making it an effective way to learn the material (Example:  here).  It follows the voice principle in that an actual person is presenting the material and you hear his voice through the whole clip.

One area that could be improved upon is the Image Principle.  It would really enhance the experience if the presenter had a video feed of himself in the corner of the slides or while he isn’t showing his screen.  This could help the learning experience.

Found Video:

Created Video

Professional Development/Classroom

The video below is a tutorial on how to create a simple mobile application which gives you the temperature for a given zip code.  This video can be used by anyone with a basic web development skillset and a windows computer.


A. Factual
Student knows that Ionic is

B. Conceptual
Student Understands conceptually how it works

D. Metacognition

Student is able to create a simple mobile application which can check the temperature of a given zip code.

Ionic Framework - Beginner Tutorial By Eric Whitmore


Like the “found video”, I am applying the redundancy principle in that I am showing slides and source code as I talk through them. I am also using the Coherence Principle in my video in that my slides are very clean and clear. There isn’t a lot of miscellaneous information on them. I also adhere to the Pre-training Principle by providing tutorial prerequisite software, which is free, and I list prerequisite skills which are required and how to learn them. I think tutorials like this help in the classroom and professional setting because it can be done with people with a minimum skillset and all the tools used are free.


I don’t think that my thinking has changed but one area for improvement would be to accommodate the Image Principle more by including a video capture on my tutorials.  One technology that I have used in the past that does a good job of this is Panopto.  Panopto does a screen capture, audio capture and video capture via your computer’s webcam.  Then the software lets to change the size of the video, or screen capture based on your needs.  It is a really engaging way to present recorded material that has a screen capture component.  Something I enjoyed was watching my tutorial on creating a mobile app.  I believe it to be well done and I really enjoyed creating it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Week 3: Digital Images


I am using the same lesson from week 2.


The objective of my professional development is to help software engineers come to an understanding as well as the importance of Unit and Integration testing.  Like last week, I would utilize the digital images in a professional development setting.  Images help to engage the audience and can really help the student quality information.  For example, in my Infographic I show a doughnut chart which shows the savings, as a percentage, of development time saved over the life of a project.  The graphic conveys the information a lot better than just simply stating it.  The Coherence Principle states that “people learn more deeply from a multimedia message when extraneous material is excluded rather than included” (Mayer n.d., p.5).  I believe that the Infographic is a perfect expression of this principle and I believe my Infographic aligns with the principle.  See below.


I haven’t had many opportunities to create Infographic in the past so it was nice to be able to do so for this assignment.  I used and really enjoyed the experience.  Piktochart makes the development of infographics so simple that anyone with even the slightest bit of computer skills can use it and create something that looks clean and professional.  I would recommend it for infographic creation.  I used Photoshop CS2 for my image creation as it was what I am familiar with and I used Open Broadcaster Software ( to create a screen capture video, then I used to convert the video screen capture to a gif.  All the tools were pretty easy to use and there is video tutorials available on YouTube for each of the items.

Image Collage





Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 2

Presentation/Learning Objectives:

As a lead software engineer, I provide professional development to my colleagues on a regular basis.  I have a standard presentation that I use when presenting on software testing and design best practices which would benefit from an enhanced multimedia platform like Padlet.  At the end of this post is a Padlet that includes links to the external resources I use in my presentation.  My peers can use this both as an introduction to the material (Mayer’s Pre-training Principle) and as a reference after the training is over.  I can further incorporate Padlet by asking my colleagues to post relevant information on the topic for future presentations in a specific area which doesn’t clutter up the Padlet.

2. Understanding
3. Apply
6. Create
A. Factual
- Engineer knows the difference between a Unit test and an Integration Test
- Engineer can summarize the SoC design principle
- Engineer can summarize the SRP design principle
- Engineer can summarize the DRY design principle
- Engineer can summarize the importance of an Inversion of Control container

B. Conceptual

- Engineer can identify the SRP design principle

D. Metacognition

- Engineer will use Test Driven Development to create a C# WebApi that can create, write, update and delete information which have associated unit test code

Copyright in software engineering:

Because software, and technology in general, are constantly changing the internet is usually the best place to find the most up to date information.  Copyright typically comes into play for software engineers when they use someone else’s source code.  There are a variety of difference licenses software engineers and companies use to distribute source code over the internet and some have very important implications.  For example, some software licenses state that you can use their code but only in a non-commercial way while others state that you can use their code any way you like.  Some give you permission to modify their code whereas others require that you use it as is.  The typical piece of software today uses tens, hundreds or even thousands of other people’s code snippets (called libraries).  The issue arises when you violate that libraries license and open yourself up to litigation.  This has become so much of an issue there are software packages which read through a company’s source code looking for license violations so that the company can either replace or purchase a valid license from the code’s author.
When giving my software testing and design best practices presentation, if I have new software engineers or it hasn’t been covered in a while, we have a discussion about copyright and which types of software engineering license help us to avoid copyright infringement to limit litigation. 
In creating my Padel, I attempted to adhere to Mayer’s Pre-training Principle, Spatial Contiguity Principle and Coherence Principle.  The Pre-training Principle should improve learning through a basic understanding of the material, the Spatial Contiguity Principle should draw attention to the most important materials and by not adding a bunch of ancillary resources to the main Padlet area I am accommodating the Coherence Principle. 


Being a software engineer and having to train other software engineers on best practices has forced me to become familiar with Copyright issues.  This week’s readings reinforced what I already knew on the subject.  I did enjoy using Padlet and hope to find other ways to use it in the workplace.  As stated above, I tried to be consistent with my good design principals and using a tool like Padlet made that pretty easy.
One way in which I grew was I happened upon a YouTube video where lawyers review what is and is not fair use.  It was highly informative and I would recommend it as supplemental material for this course. See below: